Monday 9 June 2014

How Google search works for a website ?


As Google search handles about 2 Billion searches a day , If you have a strong content on your website and if you also have a string knowledge about how Google do evaluation of a website , Google evaluate new algorithms and then send them out to what he call quality raters and they compare both search results by placing one set of search results on Right and one set of search results on Left and decide which one is the best from both of them they don’t even know that which kind of algorithm is working behind the scene after that comparison Google took that the data and decide which search results are better and which one is worse after that those ratings from quality raters are collected and directly implemented to search rating algorithm and ranking algorithm by Google.

Google Search Algorithm Updates

During last couple of years Google has made 665 algorithmic changes that effected the search results in its search result page , In the past year Google has keep the average of making two changes every single day of the entire year, most of the people ask of on those days to Google that what is happening with the search results usually a lot of stuff happening things rolling out new dated been deployed those are the actually changes not just database refreshing at they were talking about.
So that gives you little bit for the scale of the different changes were exploring at any given point now the part of how search works that i enjoy the most is the spamm section and there is a lot of needy greedy detail there we went in the whole kind of Information you might not have read before .

Dealing with Spam Comments

So for example there is a spam carousel that is updated periodically so you actually get to see spam right after Google removed it so Google search will show you a screenshot you know running into danger or affected by malware or something but it’s literally like you can over our shoulder as Google Search team is removing spam so you get a chance to see the sources stuff that we kept to deal with every single day right below the spam carousel you see that Google have different types of Spam so we talk about the categories of  Spam i think it is pretty helpful to know because that let you know the source stuff that we have to deal with so the major Categories are Cocaine , sneaky redirects , Hack Sites , Keyword Stuffing pure spam which is just the other name of Black hat which every user be able to recognize it as absolute spam , Things Like Spamy free code , Dynamic D.N.S (Domain Name Server) Providers then content with little edit value and actual links from a side and actual links to a site and user generates spam that might be good content at the front but may be so many spam comments that is actually causing bad search results or bad user experience.

Google search for Spam

So there are more specific more granular more detailed things with each one of those you know, unnatural links from a site might evolve one who selling links that pass page rank For example , That gives you an idea of the overall categories that we look at when ever we are actually finding spam, The other thing that kind of interesting  if you search down in a page and look a little bit is we give you several different graphs, Google actually tell you month by month that the actions that we have taken on Spam so what types of actions and how many actions we took and if you have a look then you come to see that the wast majority of what we tackle is what we classify as pure spam or black hat spam so that just mean that any body would be able to recognize if there is is there is insufficiently heavy might be machine generated , order generated spam hopefully this sort of thing which anybody would look at , Something you might not notice that next biggest category within recent years in hack sites its kind of funny because might back in 2010 there was some SEO flaws some thing like once the web spam being doing we have seen a lot of actions from then recently.
Google’s spam team and Google search team is actually engage in a pitch battle hand to hand combat on hack sites if you have a regular SEO or even a black hat SEO or Negative SEO back then you might not you have to notice too much. So its not a case that Google is going to taken a break or taking things so easy, they are working hard on spam or a type of spam that most of the people encountered. You can get these kind of insights when you look through the graphs etc.. That was the history of that sort of stuff that Google had tackle in term of spam its also interesting that Google has started in more more message in over time now it can probably do better in other way to more concrete more actionable messages to webmasters and it is going to keep exploring that when we look at milestones in terms of what the Google have done in terms of communication to the users of webmasters.

If you have any Query then grab it into the comment section right below.

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