Friday, 30 May 2014

Add CSS Buttons in WordPress without using HTML CSS and Shortcodes

As one of the most famous C.M.S (Content Management System)  for creating eye catching websites is WordPress, Many of the WordPress plugins are available now a days for adding CSS buttons into the posts and pages using short codes , But for now i am going to show you how you can easily add graceful CSS buttons into your posts.  Now a days most of people who didn’t know HTML and CSS and How to configure and use short codes in WordPress , It is also very difficult to keep in mind the short codes for most of the people.

In this post we will teach you how you can add eye Catching  CSS buttons into your posts/pages without using short codes or any kind of HTML and CSS into your posts, for this purpose we will use the WordPress Plugin.
So Let’s get it Done.
In order to Add CSS Buttons in WordPress follow couple of steps as under.
First thing you need to do for adding CSS buttons is to Log on to your WordPress Dashboard and under the plugins section of WordPress install and activate this plugin Forget About Shortcode Buttons Looks Like this.

Add CSS Buttons in WordPress without using HTML CSS and Shortcodes

Icon to add CSS

Search this plugin and install and activate it , Once this plugin has successfully installed and activated one extra button will appear in the kitchen of your WordPress editor Like that showing in the Image below.

Add CSS Buttons in WordPress without using HTML CSS and Shortcodes

Configure Your CSS Button

Once this button will appear in the kitchen you can easily add the CSS buttons inside your posts and pages for different purposes. After Clicking this button one Ajax popup will appear in front of you with couple of cool options with great features Looks like this.

Add CSS Buttons in WordPress without using HTML CSS and Shortcodes

This pop up is very user friendly for adding and configuring CSS buttons with couple of cool features and options , Every thing you write in the text field  will appear as the front text of the generated button. In URL field Put the URL where you want the user to route on clicking the button. you can also Configure/Change the text color , the color of button , Type of the button ( Eg: Round ,flat etc…) as well after configuring the button click on Insert button at the right bottom of the pop up labeled “Insert”.
Once you have clicked the insert button CSS button will appear where you want it to show in your post, For Example in our post that we have chosen  in order to show in front of you we have created a sample button for you it looks like this.

Add CSS Buttons in WordPress without using HTML CSS and Shortcodes

You have all done!
If you are feeling difficulties in order to get it done then you can get help from us by leaving your comment in the comment section below. :)

Google is now Maping the real world with Self driving Cars

Google Stepping into the Real World

For now i am going to let you Know about Google’s self driving Cars and how they are operated? and how Google is going to crawl the real world as it is crawling the web pages for couple of years in a pretty effective manner. Google had taken multiple Initiatives with the passage of time such as Indoor Locations,Project Tango, Street View and much more, but for now a days Google is making a virtual representation of the real world and it has programmed to use this virtual representation for its departed services such as search improvements, Tracking, Cell Phone Consumers Services etc…

Digitization of real world

Google is trying hard to make this world deciphered for robots with the help of Self driving Cars. These Self Driving Cars are not going to build the complete scene from root but on the other hand their officials will travel and map each of the road on which the car will travel. “Andrew Chatham”(The Team leader of the Google’s self Driving Car team) told that our digital maps are all about, any Information about Geographic location we will tell in advance to this car in order to make its job easier.
He Said “We will exactly tell Self driving Cars the exact position of the Signals and their location so the car knows where to drive and where not to speed limits are also the major concern of that car” for this purpose Google is going to create and process a bulk of useful data like the position of signals and curbs etc.. with the help of this data the car knows about the digital world and far more behind this but this is not going to be popular as early hence it is the game of years behind till the working of this with efficiency, In order to make all the car working in the area other then mountain view Google has to collect the data from each street of the world.

Do Self driving Cars helpful?

Here you are thinking about is this car helpful? Yes it is Once it start working into the real  world it helps both the individuals and the society as well such as reducing accidents on roads etc. On the other hand there are very low chances that Google has to feel resistance in this project.
At the end Google is now trying to open source this project(of building Self driving Cars) and tried to include some good companies with it and the Government also in order to make the chances of their approval more strong and secure their process.

How to Enable/Use Hooks in codeigniter the codeigniter hooks

Codeigniter Hooks

Today I am going to show/Teach you how to modify/Tap into the inner working of your codeigniter framework. When Codeigniter Runs it follows a specific Execution process Described in a pretty good detail below in the Diagram.
The upper diagram Shows the flow of data through the whole System in Codeigniter.
1.  At first glance the Index.php serves as a front controller and contain all the basic resources which are required by Codeigniter to run properly.
2.  After that the Router Examines the HTTP request in order to determine what action to take on this incomming request.
3. If the exists the cache file then the router send it directly to the browser which requested the content ,getting around the normal Execution of the system.
4. Here comes Security the most Important aspect, before loading the controller the HTTP request and the data submitted by any user is filtered for security.
5. In this step Controller loads these couple of things core libraries, model, helpers, and any other resources that are specified by the developer or other built in resources required to process the specific request.

6. Finally the View is rendered or the contetn is rendered which you have created in side the directory named views then sent to the web browser (Note:This browser is the browser of end user whi is requesting for the webpage) to be seen. If caching is enabled, the view is cached first so that on subsequent requests it can be served.
Here we Done!
For Now lets move to deploy Codeigniter hooks.
You might be thinking that i am going to teach you a hacking tip then you are absolutely wrong basically Codeigniter provides some cool ways to change its inner functionality without hacking its core functionality by using codeigniter hooks.
So Lets have a deep look:

Step 1:

Frst Enable the hook feature of codeigniter by setting the following item in this Config.php file:
In the Config.php file look Search for this line of Code:
By default it is FALSE looks like this: 

$config['enable_hooks'] = FALSE; 

Write TRUE instead of FALSE After Enabling it looks like this:

$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;

Step 2:

After Enabling the hook feature of Codeigniter define your HOOK in  application/config/hooks.php file.
Each hook is specified as an array with Its prototypes:
before this Create a directry with your own name inside Application directory in my case i have created a directory named hooks in this directory place your class which you wish to load.
Note: This Class includes the scripts that you want to load. 
For Example in my case this is my hook you can also define Multiple Hooks but for Now I am going to define Just One Hook.
$hook['pre_controller'] = array(
                                ‘class’    => ‘MyClass’,
                                ‘function’ => ‘MyFunction’,
                                ‘filename’ => ‘Myclass.php’,
                                ‘filepath’ => ‘hooks’,
                                ‘params’   => array(‘beer’, ‘wine’, ‘snacks’)
Useful Note:
The array index correlates to the name of the particular hook point you want to use. In the above example the hook point is pre_controller. A Detailed description list of hook points is found in the section below. The following items should be defined in your associative hook array:
  • Class  The name of the class you wish to invoke placed inside the hooks directory Note: Hook directory is that directory which you have created spetially for hooks insite Application directory. If you wish to use your procedural function in step of a Class,  In this case leave this item blank/Empty.
  • Function  name of the function you wish to call (Note: It resides in the directory ehich you have created inside the application directory of Codeigniter).
  • Filename  The file name containing your class/function(Note: This file is your file you have created inside the hooks directory in this example it is hookprac.php).
  • Filepath  The name of the directory which contains your Script file(That file contains your functions taht you want to execute when hooks runs).

(Note: Your script must be located in a directory INSIDE your application folder, so the file path is relative to that folder. For example, if your script is located in application/hooks, you will simply use hooks as your filepath. If your script is located in application/hooks/utilities you will use hooks/utilities as your filepath. No trailing slash.)
  • Params(Optioanl Feature)  Params are the parameters that you wish to pass to your Script these parameters are defined by yourself/Custom defined.
You can also Change the Codeigniter hooks Points:
Hook points are the parameters of hook that defines before loading which part of the Controller you want to Run your Script. 
Here shown some hook Points:

Step 3:

Now Point your browser to your contoller in order to testify codeigniter hooks, if there is no mistake your script/code will run before the controller loads.
You have all done!
If you Have Questions in mind Then You are free to ask in the comment Section Below.

Understanding of Math Stat and Computer Intermediate Spring 2010 AIOU

Paper Name : Understanding of Math Stat and Computer 
Level : IntermediateLanguage : EnglishMedium: EnglishSemester/Year : Spring 2010Max Marks : 100Pass Marks: 40
Course Code : 359

Paper Type  :-  Allama Iqbal Open University – AIOU Old Papers/Past Papers

How to Verify Google Authorship Google Authorship for Content

Verify Google Authorship

In this article we will teach you how to Verify Google Authorship for your content As now a days people want more and more from their online business as Heuristic told us that already used or experienced methods will give us more success then the others. Today i am going to show you how can you enhance the search appearance of your website or Blog by verifying your Google authorship, as Google is continuingly changing his algorithms in order to enhance the search efficiency and the customer’s experience, Recently Google has added a new feature of displaying Authorship with search results Let us take an example.
One more thing to consider is that Google is now aviating the information about the author in its search results in order to help users to discover the great content over the web. For now we will let you know how you can Verify Google Authorship for your website As shown in Example With Those Articles Who have verified Author Google Automatically add the name and Image of the author, The articles with verified Author enhances the experience of Search and It is also proved that this increases click through rates and better appearance in search engines(Google, Bing ,Yahoo, Altavista etc..).
Here shown a example of our website, Mustafa Jamal is the verified author of this website and for now when the URL of this website appears in search results it shows a small size profile picture with the name of our Verified Author Mustafa Jamal. Once you verify your Authorship information this information will be shown in Google’s web search with URL of your page or post ,Title and meta description.

Steps to Verify Google authorship

Option 1:

Note: I will Suggest you to go for option 2 if you have not an email address related to the Domain.
Directly Link your content with your Google+ Profile using a verified Email Address.

  1.  Make sure that you have a email address on the same domain (Ex: , and your content also lies on the same domain             (
  2. After that make it sure that you have a clearly described By line (EX: , “Posted By: Mustafa Jamal” or “Author: Mustafa Jamal” or “By Mustafa Jamal”).
  3. Once you have passed the upper steps visit  Authorship Page and add your Email address in the field in order to submit it to Google this doesn’t matter how much content you publish on your website or how long you would carry on publishing content on it, you have to do this procedure just once after that Google automatically reads the author name with each post/Page(As Shown in the Image Below).
4.  Enter Email in the field and Click on Sign up for Authorship button after this Google will send you Verification Email Follow the Instructions in that email in order to verify Authorship for your domain.
5.  Once you Have followed all steps use the Google Structured data testing tool  to check what data Google has fetched from your domain.

Another Option to Verify Google authorship :

Option 2:

Option 2 said that Verify your Authorship by Linking your Content with Google+ Profile.

  1. Link Your Content with Google+ profile directly by Placing Hyperlink of your Google+ Profile .
  2. Place this piece of code inside the head section of your header.php file (Don’t forget to change the URL to your Google+ Profile URL ).
          1:  <a href="">Google</a>  
3.  Give some time to Google to re crawl your website and extract the author’s information from the page.
4.  Use Google Structured data testing tool  to test What data Google has fetched from your website.

Thing you must take care of :

In the whole procedure above you must have to take care of these couple of things.
  1. Make sure You have same name in your WordPress account as in your Google+ account.
  2. Make it sure that your +1′s are Public in Google+ Profile.

For now You have all done!
In order to Testify whether Authorship have done Successfully or not? Use Rich Snippets Testing Tool   To check the status whether you successful in  verify Google authorship or not?
If you got stacked in doing this you are free to share your problem with us in the Comment Section Below.

How Google extract links from webpages

If you are following the strategy to build two links from one page with same anchor text that point to the same target then let us have a look how Google will treat this activity?, Google has a page Rank paper and it will compare all the links coming out from a page with this page rank paper if two links goes to the same page with page rank X then there are chances that the same page rank goes to that page as well.

How Google Extract Links from Pages

Could you ever wender for how Google extract URL’s form a page if yes then you can find the best answer here According to Google it has a Link extraction process with this link extraction process Google extract links from each page on the web with the given anchor text and then google entertain them and fix them to the document on which they are pointing to, Most often this Link Extraction process can extract One of the link or All of the links or might select some of the links from the page.

Link Extraction Process

Back In 2009 Google use to extract just one link/URL from a single page escaping the others, If you really worried about this is a factor in SEO then it is good to take the step back and give priorites to high order bits like how many users are landing to my page and fing good stuff there and they are really enjoying reading/watching this also the design of my home page and so so , All these things are generally good for users and this probably lot more good and need your time and attention you know the ammount of page rank and the anchor text taht flow over multiple pages, finally it is not obvious or final taht how much links google is going to select from a particular page because it will change over time.

Google’s Spokeperson Said

A Google’s Spokeperson told that for now there is no effort is going on any google’s algorithm like Panda, Penguin or other spam activities Google sounds it that in upcoming few days there will be no update at all.

Biology III free download AIOU past papers Code 379 Spring 2012

Intermediate Spring 2012 AIOU Past Papers

Paper Name : Biology III – Part 2

Course Code : 379Level : FSC (Pre Medical)Language : EnglishMedium: EnglishSemester/Year : Spring 2012Max Marks : 100Pass Marks: 40

Type of Paper :-  Allama Iqbal Open University – Old Papers

Also Have a Look at : Biology III code 379 Spring 2012 Part 1

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